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Revision as of 22:38, 7 March 2024 by Memystic (talk | contribs)

Reptilian Specimens

Specimen Description
Alberto 60.5cm male with 8 ribs, bone disease in right hip with metal implant.
Artemis 56cm female with 3 eggs and multiple metal implants.
Ceres Chest implant.
Clara Female with 3 eggs and chest implant. Clara has 3 unique medullary densities running the length of bones in her arms.
Clovis Three implants, two on chest and one on face.
Edgarda 60cm female with eggs, multiple metal implants and tilted head position.
Familia Set of three 44-53cm tridactyl bodies.
Josefina 58.5cm female with 3-4 eggs and barbell chest implant.
Luisa Female with three eggs and barbell chest implant. Being studied at ICA University.
Paul Cleaned of diatomaceous earth.
Qoyulluriti Three chest implants.
Victoria Eleven ribs with no eggs or implants; headless in a sitting position.
Will One implant on upper part of chest.
Yoda Sitting headless in a frogged position.

Hybrid Specimens

Specimen Description
Maria Brief description of Maria.
Wawita Brief description of Wawita.

Insectoid Specimens

Specimen Description
Suyay Brief description of Suyay.